VTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator

VTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator

CGPA to Percentage Converter

Effortlessly Convert Your VTU CGPA to Percentage

Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) uses a CGPA system to assess students’ overall academic performance. Simplify the process of understanding your CGPA in traditional percentage terms with our VTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator. Stay on top of your progress and meet eligibility requirements with ease.


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  1. According to the 2018 scheme, for an 6.8 CGPA, your percentage will be : (6.8 – 0.75) * 10 = 60.5%.
  2. Similarly, under the 2021/2022 scheme, an 6.8 CGPA corresponds to a percentage of 68% (6.8*10) in VTU.
The CGPA to percentage conversion is as simple as multiplying your CGPA by 9.5. This formula is available on the CBSE’s official website for students in grades IX and X. For example, if you had a 9.4 cumulative grade point average (CGPA), the comparable percentage would be 9.4*9.5 = 89.3%.

The percentage for an SGPA score of 7.5 is 67.5%.

No not at all. Let me state it very frankly,No company seeks CGPA more than 6 to find eligible candidate . May be in campus ,college tries to put high cutoff to filter out some student. But believe me if you have earned 7.4 with your hard work,It is more than enough.