Sgpa To Percentage Calculator

Sgpa To Percentage Calculator

SGPA Calculator

SGPA to Percentage Calculator: Understand Your Semester Performance

Your Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is a crucial metric that reflects your academic performance within a specific semester. Understanding how to convert your SGPA to a percentage can help you compare your performance across different semesters and gain insights into your overall academic progress.


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First, calculate the SGPA of all the semesters. Once you get the SGPA of all the semesters, add them. Divide the summation of the SGPAs by the number of semesters you have given. Multiply your SGPA with 10 and then subtract 7.5 from the total [(SGPA * 10) – 7.5 = Percentage].

Percentage = (SGPI*7.1)+12

Then once you get your percentage, convert that into GPA by dividing your percentage by 100 and then multiply it by 4.

A 2.8 GPA is equivalent to 83% or B letter grade. The national average GPA is 3.0 which means a 2.8 is just a bit below average. With a few quick tips you can likely raise your GPA even higher!
How to Calculate SGPA?
  1. Write down the credit points for each semester.
  2. Multiply this credit point by the grade you achieved in that subject.
  3. Add all the scores.
  4. Divide the total score by the sum of all credit points.
  5. The value you get after all these is your SGPA.