Attendance Calculator

Attendance Calculator

Attendance Calculator

Is Your Attendance Affecting Your Grades?

Are you worried about your class attendance? Many universities have strict attendance policies, and falling below the required percentage can have serious consequences. Get peace of mind with our easy-to-use Attendance Calculator. In seconds, you’ll know exactly where you stand and can take steps to improve your attendance if needed.


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To calculate Average Daily Attendance, one would add up the number of days a student has been present within a specific date range, divide it by the number of days school was in session and then multiply by 100.

If you are asking about school attendance, then to complete 75% attendance is depends on the total number of days that classes are held. If classes are held for 100 days, then you would need to attend 75 days to complete 75% attendance.
Divide the SUM TOTAL of Days in Attendance by the SUM TOTAL of Days of membership for the school or district. 5. Multiply the statistic x 100 and round to the number to the nearest tenth. This is your school or district overall attendance rate.

Calculate your absence count by subtracting your attendance count from the total number of classes. In this example, it would be 30 – 25 = 5. To find the attendance percentage, divide your attendance count by the total number of classes and then multiply by 100. For instance, (25 / 30) * 100 = 83.33%.